Data Center

The Data Center your

business needs

We design, build, maintain and operate energy-efficient CPDs, with the minimum PUE, with the required level of redundancy (TIER rating), as per international standards. Our ATD® and AOS® specialists will accompany you throughout the process.

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What you need to consider for your Data Center

The Data Center is your company's most critical environment. Gather, sort, process, store and disseminate all your organization's information.

Things to consider in your Data Center:

  • Reliability and availability (TIER Levels)
  • Flexibility and scalability
  • Security
  • Processing speed and storage
  • Energy efficiency and sustainability

How we approach a Data Center project

We specifically analyse the needs of your project. We define the scope and lay the foundation for designing the solution. 

We design the solution your project needs. With our engineers—team members, certified by the Uptime Institute in Data Center design—, you're in the best hands.

We execute turnkey projects. We have a very high level of expertise in integrating the various elements that make up your Data Center's critical infrastructure.

For the operation of Data Centers, we have our own AOS-certified staff, trained by the Uptime Institute. We work with the main DCIM monitoring tools, as well as AIM management tools (ImVision).

We will design a maintenance plan tailored to your business. We manage the day-to-day affairs of clients like BBVA, Mapfre, Corte Inglés and Mediapro...

Our partners

Our trusted allies

Our work

This is how we work

Contact us

Tell us what you need, and we will advise you

Our team is accredited by the Uptime Institute (ATD® and AOS®) to design, build and operate Data Centers. We are number one in success cases executed following the best practices established in the market.

How can we help you? 

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